Saturday, November 22, 2008

I took 10 photos and wrote 13 microblogs. I was in Ames and Des Moines, Iowa.

12:08 am


12:09 am

Nathan and his Sister

12:28 am

i think that i am really sick. stupid friends with colds. not gonna stop me from partying and infecting all the rest of my friends.

12:49 am

sips sound system blows. cant keep up with the dj.

1:13 am

Cedric and Nathan

1:16 am

who can drop weezer and keep the kids dancing?

1:20 am

Cedric, Drea, and Nathan

1:22 am

"dammit, i said get low"

1:25 am

Pink Spaghetti!
1 comment

1:36 am

Drea and Kari

1:39 am

Diverse and I

1:41 am

Me and Justin

2:44 am

bed. spose.

12:10 pm

kari and i are still in bed, ha.
1 comment

12:34 pm

SNOW!? how am i supposed to do yard work today?

1:26 pm

haha, i just looked in the mirror. i forgot about my awesome facial hair

4:02 pm

being about 100% less productive than i planned today. i think i'm beating kari though. she went back to sleep 1 hour after she woke up

4:41 pm

who wants to meet up tonight?
1 comment

5:08 pm

my plan: get pho at a dong in a couple hours, then chill out and sip on some really dark beer. i'll meet anywhere.
1 comment

7:28 pm

Kari had a crazy sweater on that day

7:51 pm

full of pho. trying to decide where to go for a beer. whats up with yall?

8:16 pm

taking my spoiled rotten brat wife to raccoon river for dessert.

11:03 pm

at stix! the home of hip hop line dance music videos

November 22, 2008