Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I wrote 1 blog, took 1 photo, and wrote 8 microblogs. I was in West des Moines, Iowa.

7:57 am

oy. headin to work early for a client meeting

8:20 am

whoops. apparently i wasn't supposed to wear jeans today, haha.

12:09 pm

For some reason my iMac screen said this. It's never done that before.

1:18 pm

finally trying the chicken coop for lunch

4:16 pm

for some reason these ssl certs are not cooperating with me.

6:23 pm

payin bills... sorta sucks. however, my new system is much, much nicer. i'm excited to be knocking these bills out - organizedly... haha

6:27 pm

wtf. i just had a really hard time finding where to login on the new wesabe homepage. "click here" links are dumb.

9:05 pm

Published a blog about Our First Emmitt Visit

9:27 pm

Our First Emmitt Visit

10:29 pm

man, i am loving portishead tonight. good, good music.

November 5, 2008