Sunday, November 16, 2008

I took 10 photos and wrote 8 microblogs. I was in Wheaton and Lisle, Illinois.

12:02 am


12:02 am

It's Blurry, But We Are Awesome

12:40 am

afterparty in 1003. come hang out - and try to find beer on the way ;)

12:56 am


12:57 am

12:57 am


12:57 am

Laura Left Eye

12:58 am

Tara's Dresses Really Are Tempting.

12:58 am

Me and Ms. Legree

12:58 am


1:00 am

After that huge dinner, we apparently needed more food.

11:40 am

man, i got a bit drunk last night. gettin packed up, the POTBELLY's

12:52 pm

man potbelly's is good.

2:00 pm

at ikea, hopefully leaving with a new table for my office

3:22 pm

got my desk, weee. too bad i'll probably be too tired to set it up wheb we get home at midnight

7:34 pm

at kari's parents. bout to eat some spaghetti, then headin home.

9:30 pm

oy, finally home

10:34 pm

i have 277 photos from last night, wtf. sorting through these is gonna take a minute.

November 16, 2008