Monday, January 12, 2009

I took 1 photo and wrote 9 microblogs. I was in Ankeny, Iowa.

8:09 am

so it's apparently taking kari like 45 mins to get to work. maybe i will work from home this AM.

10:01 am

i love my desk setup at home. watching it blizzard over the top of my monitors while i work. music on. shirtless with superman pants. yes.

12:22 pm

shoveling, lunch, maybe going to the office? maybe continuing to work from home. productive day.

1:16 pm

I am gonna run out of places to put this snow.

2:06 pm

bww with diverse and german. none of us ordered wings, wtf.

3:34 pm

working on the first real ruby on rails appt i wrote. interesting, haha. wish i had time to rewrite it.

5:19 pm

well. i spose i better shower, haha. what a bum

6:13 pm

showered and antsy as hell.

6:53 pm

playin wii on the hundo. tiger woods 09, then whatever kari's whinin ass wants.

10:02 pm

i dont really know what to do about my mustache. i think that it has to be trimmed.

January 12, 2009