migrating from this ppc g5 to an intel imac. oh happy day.
migrating from this ppc g5 to an intel imac. oh happy day.
oh man, i'm totally loving this imac. it's still my birthday month if yall wanna buy me one for home...
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Bww with cooper, todd, and bob. Then maybe the apple store for a monitor adapter. Then back to playing new computer. Weeeee.
i think i just got recruited onto a soccer team... but i've never played soccer. eep!
I am not editing another video until I own a mac. Just getting the damn video onto a dvd is such a pain in my ass.
I'm Trying to move a 6g file to portable media. My Ipod has 80g free, external HD has 95g free. Win says neither have enough space. Wtf.
Omfg I am about to throw this dell out the window. Now it won't boot. Necesito mas cerveza.
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