Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I wrote 10 microblogs.

8:23 am

(Autoreply) (Autoreply) raccoon river with my pioneer peeps

8:56 am

The new Presets cd sounds a bit like The Faint... It's good, but I think I like beams a bit better.

9:55 am

(Autoreply) The new Presets cd sounds a bit like The Faint... It's good, but I think I like beams a bit better.

10:01 am

trying to turn off excla.im because it's lack of auto-reply support is annoying all my friends

12:53 pm

running over to the jordan creek area to get a new airport express and the new tiger woods game for wii. oh and some food.

1:32 pm

Wtf do you stand in the apple store when you just want to check out. Annoying as hell.

2:26 pm

w00t! There's a giant sign at tandoor that said it has reopened. Good indian food!

3:45 pm

find . -path '*/.svn' -prune -o -path '*/log' -o -path '*~' -prune -o \( -size -100000c -type f \) -print0 | xargs -0 grep -ne $1

7:03 pm

Tiger woods 09 for the wii is way better than 08. Someone get it so we can play online... Or just come over and play.
1 comment

7:47 pm

Just bought $40 worth of crappy patriotic shirts at goodwill for a top secret plan, haha
1 comment

August 26, 2008