Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I took 3 photos and wrote 6 microblogs. I was in West des Moines and Ankeny, Iowa.

9:19 am

man that sun feels good today. not excited to sit in the office.

12:51 pm

goin to lunch in ankeny with bob and todd. i am not even gonna say where...

2:25 pm

there are hundreds of kids all over valley junction, chalking up the sidewalks. seriously hundreds. i think that i am experiencing a phobia.
1 comment

2:57 pm

I got this in the mail from Kari's classroom, haha.

6:28 pm

grindin up some taters. grillin with rico and nick in a bit. awesome.

7:45 pm

come over and have a beer. all of Ýou.

8:02 pm

Steak and Potatoes.

11:41 pm

Aftermath of a successful grillout

11:52 pm

despite all the mmmbop... great night with @ricolarson @lucky33 @right65 @djdiverse and @reddhed. haha. all my friends have twitter now.

April 22, 2009